Money is a fickle employee.

Camille Pace
4 min readJan 29, 2021
Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash

Money has a job? Strange to consider money as an employee, but it might help you view your finances differently.

Let’s start with worth. Why? From a personal standpoint, I have to play games with my perspective. “It’s only worth as much as you invest in it”, is true with your money. If you look at money as an employee, you’ll think about investing as a strategy instead of a means to riches. Of course you can get rich if you put your mind to it. There are ways to do that safely. Getting rich from a $20 investment is a slow burn indeed.

The general consensus is “time is money”. Consider money as time, every dollar was earned in a time frame. Eight hours at a typical nine to five job is about $100 a day, give or take. I wouldn’t pay myself to sit on the couch watching television, unless I was a movie critic. The point is to give your own value to it.

What do you want from your money?

Huge question to ask yourself. Do you want to invest it in the stock market where you have a possibility of gaining a huge margin, or losing it all in a crash?

Do you want it in a savings account which only gains 0.001% interest every year, but doesn’t lose it’s value. It can if the bank borrows against it. Shady as the stock market.



Camille Pace

I'm a writer with a passion for research pieces about the strange and unusual.